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Re: NSW State Rail...a nightmare that is getting worse

> Trains around sector 3 (North Shore, Western Lines, Main North) are
> generally much cleaner for no apparent reason. Maybe people are more
> "civilised" (forgive me) around these areas. I'm not saying people in
> the south are uncivilised, but somehow when you look at trains from
> the south and compare them with the north, the north ones are MUCH
> cleaner. (and I've never smelt vomit on a sector 3 maintained train)

I remeber a drunkard vomitted on the intercar communication door on a
sector 3 tangara. What can i say, it's rather interesting in a
disgusting way how the stuff comes towards you then stops.

> i agree, but bear in mind the number of people per day that use the
> railway system now.

I disagree that shear volume has casued this, I think it is the
increased emphasis of economic rationalism in the 90s. EFFICIENCY
EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY. The system *may* be more efficient but then again
packing 500 people on one carriage is effiecient, just not terribly good

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