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Re: [NSW] The Fish [was [NSW] A few things I saw today (Thursday]

Doug said in message <38EC6299.3127@ozemail.com.au>, I therefore quote:

>If there was a commuter express running between Wodonga and Spencer St,
>I wonder what it would be named, maybe the Murray Cod. If there was a
>outer suburban commuter express running to Flinders St and Spencer St it
>would probably be named the Yarra Yabbie. I believe Puffing Billy was to
>be named The Puffer Fish.

I've always known the Puffing Billy as Wheezing William (:

Anyway, there /is/ a pass that runs from Wodonga to Spencer Street, it just 
carries on for the rest of the trip to Albury (:



(p.s. Congratulations on stealing yet another NSW topic) (:

Michael Kurkowski. / Email: mailto:mk@netstra.com.au
Rail Enthusiast.  / Web: http://www.netstra.com.au/~mk
Train Chaser.    / Telephone: 0416-044-124
HO Modeller.    / ICQ: T333 / 1459118 - Yahoo Pager: VR_T333

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