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RE: Alice Springs, 1-2/3

Aus loco discussion mailing list

While not directly loco-related, just an explanation for those who may
have wondered:

Mereenie siding is about 15km south of town, just near the local prison.
Crude oil is loaded for refining in Adelaide: the geology in Central
Australia consists of a lot of sandstone, which tends to hold pockets of
oil.  Various classes of tank wagons are brought empty into town on most
arrivals.  Until reasonably recently, there was an "as-required" (?) or
daily (?) movement of empties from Alice to Mereenie, bringing back
loaded wagons, but I believe track access charges caused the demise of
this working.  The empties are now dropped off and loaded tanks
collected as required by the south-bound freights, of which there are
four per week (Tue-Thu, and Sun).

-----Original Message-----
From: Melanie J. Dennis [mailto:meld.asg@netspeed.com.au]
Sent: Thursday, 2 March 2000 11:40 AM
To: 'PeterDo@als.com.au'
Subject: RE: Alice Springs, 1-2/3

Final question - Mereenie tanks - please explain?       


Melanie Dennis
Australian Steam Group

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