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Re: Cab unit status?

> A Class - all still in service
> B 2 (I think) in service on West Coast
> S Class seem to come and go. Don't know if any running this
> week, they are in and out of storage it would seem.
> GM A handfull left going in SA
> CLP & CLF all still going I think.

The S class I know of that were recently still being used by V/Line were:
(there were about 4 I think - ie. 2 others)

West Coast Have 3 in running order (?) (perhaps one more stored?)

You left out some restored locos such as:
B74 - Seymour Railway Heritage Centre (SRHC) - In VR livery
S313 - Steamrail Victoria (SRV) - In V/LINE livery
GM36 - (SRHC) - in Commonwealth Railways original livery

And S303 is currently undergoing restoration at Seymour (SRHC) although it
still runs, just a bit of cosmetic surgery etc.

S317 is a long story, but last I saw it was in one piece but with a busted
engine and no brakes, - going to be used for spares for a GM I think...

Steven Hurst