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Re: North Melbourne

James Brook said in message <38198041.A9048E26@ozemail.com.au>, I
therefore quote: 

>I only saw one T and it was a 3rd series one. If there was a flat top on
>the train when you saw it then it must have been 345.

The train was running as push/pull. I am not sure how they do it, wheter
it's radio control? Wagons with MU cables going thru? radio control? 

The locos might have been detached at that stage too, this was this
morning that i saw the 3 locos on that train. 

Also of note, that i forgot to add in my last post was that the USY
(unidentified sitting Y class) was sitting at GNRS still, with some works
flats (VZ**), probably sleeper wagons. 

>I use the name "Blood and custard" for the VLP color scheme. :-)

Or blood and bone when the white turns to an off white. :)


Michael Kurkowski
Email: mk@netstra.com.au
Website: http://www.netstra.com.au/~mk
ICQ: 1459118
Telephone: 0416-044-124

What is the point of having quotes at the end of your .sig?