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Re: (Off Topic!) Exhibition Street Bridge and City Link

  In NSW the term freeway means that there are no 'at level'
crossings, except emergency crossings etc, but considering the Hume is
called a freeway for most (if not all) of its length in Victoria they
have a different idea. Also once upon a time freeways were free of
people on foot, horse cyclists etc, but not any longer.

  Also in NSW the term motorway is used to describe a toll road but
back when the F3 and F6 were Toll roads the Motorway term was unused.

>The term Freeway does not refer to the lack of a charge for the use thereof -
>rather the lack of obstacles to movement (ie traffic signals and intersections)

 Ashley Wright, Canberra, Australia  ajwright@nospam.ozemail.com.au                                                                           
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