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Response from Albert at the Railfan Shop

In the interests of common decency, I sent the recent thread on the Railfan Shop
to Albert.  He has asked me to post the following on his behalf.  I can vouch
for the authenticity of this one!


This is from Albert - the REAL Albert Isaacs this time!

What better way is there of responding to criticism of The Railfan Shop than
inviting you to come into the shop and see for yourself what the service is
REALLY like?

To encourage everyone into the shop, I will be offering a 10% discount off all
items except those already on special - all you need to do is mention aus.rail
and you're entitled to this discount.  For obvious reasons, don't mention
aus.rail until after you've seen what our service is really like and you're
ready to pay.  The offer will apply until 10th December 1999 - this is ideal
timing to give you the opportunity of buying Christmas presents at a docount -
presents for yourself and presents for other railfans.

This 10% discount applies to established clients as well as to new friends.

The Railfan Shop is at 40 Market Street, Melbourne - right on the corner of
Market Street and Flinders Lane.

To all those who don't live in Melbourne, this offer can also apply to you. 
Visit our Website at http://railfan.webmania.com.au/ fax or post your order to
us before 10th December and you can also take advantage of the 10%.  I will
usually post items within 24 hours, and guarantee to post any item in stock
within 48 hours.

See you in the shop,

The Railfan Shop Manager.