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Lease Fleets

With the encroaching, if not already effective, power shortage to occur; that is the growing unavaialbility of good
medium (3000) sized diesels would it not be an idea for maybe Clyde (or someone) to grab the L's refurboh them to say
dash 3 or whatever is more current state and have them as a general lease fleet such as GM did stateside some years back
(GE too). I take it this is essesntially what Chicago leasing have done with the ELs (but they didnt need "work")
This would provide good reliable affordable power to anyother startups  (or specialised train movers) as well as proving
existing players with a pool of locos toexpand their markets. You dont get the loco wars with this either, that is one
Railway not leasing to another..to stifle them.

On this subject, might it not be time for a TTX like viewpoint to a general rolling stock leasing operation to
circumvent silly situations like NRC having nice modern container wel cars sitting idle while trucks ply the roads

If Ls and C's are sufficiently "family" might they not make a good adddition to the rebuilding program??

If not that might not GM or Gononans take the ultimate proactive stance and build a group of say something akin to the
82 class but in a more standardised feature offering as alease fleet.
Many operators might be shy of the capital outlay, but jump at grabbing a small fleet on lease for "whatever" period. Im
sure the Big guys (Clyde and Gons) wouldnyt be at risk witha number of new locos...unless they are happy just to sit
back and whinge?

>:~)) Richard