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Re: Who does own S317? or who has it now...

<<<<<Que?  I don't understand the term "in the public domain."

It was a business name.... either the Vic Gov didn't get around to
registering it or it fell into disuse (see other message).>>>>>>

Any name that is being used but has not been trademarked or copyrighted is
considered "in the public domain" (I'm not sure if that's the correct term) For
instance, my business name, "The Silver Edge" is registered as a business name
in Colorado but I have not trademarked it so anyone in another state, (or
another country) could legally adopt it and trademark it. This is how a friend
of mine who is a copyright lawyer explained it.

"Victorian Railways" was probably never trademarked hence WCR's ability to
aquire it but the fact that it's "The Victorian Railway Company" and not
"Victorian Railways" may have something to do with all of the old superanuation
stuff that is still current. 


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