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Melbourne Trams

I've just seen the most biased report about the trams that could be
shown. In fact if it wasn't Channel 9 then I would have been worried. It
seems that three "experts" (and I use the word cautiously) say that the
trams should be taken off the streets and put in a museum. Now when you
think about it these three experts are probably funded by the road lobby
and of course they would say this. Unfortunately all channel 9 could
find in the way of a pro-tram person was interview an academic who
travels to work by tram. What a pity they didn't do their homework and
go out and find someone who could defend the trams cause properly.

One quote was that "buses could easily get in the left hand lane" which
supposedly would permit a proper traffic flow. I don't know what roads
he drives on but most of the time the left hand lane on the roads that I
drive on is full of parked cars. If these guys don't like to follow a
tram, then they could find a road without them. There are plenty without
resorting to the freeway and if they are so pro road then let them drive
on Jeff's new toll way. Someone will have to pay my share because I
won't be using it. Some years ago when I had a need to drive around
Melbourne a lot, there were lots of alternative routes where there were
no trams.

I guess we can take heart in the fact the Jeff is about to sell the
trams to private industry and they surely won't pay good money for them
and then close them done.

All in all I think it was just a silly stunt by the road lobby and shame
on channel 9 for screening such a biased programme, but then again
Packer's network is pretty good at doing that.

David Langley (Very much pro tram)