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Re: VR Staff & Ticket and Pilot Working

markbau1@aol.comQQQQyuk (MarkBau1) wrote:

><<<<<If this section needs to be divided up
>into A-B and B-C, then you have 2 sections and therefore need 2 pilots, one
>for each section.>>>>>>

>I was not aware that you could work pilotworking to an intermediate block post
>of any sort. My understanding was that if staff A - C is lost (where B is an
>intermediate block post) pilotworking must be from A - C. 

One situation where something like this can occur is during
obstruction of the section.  On electric staff sections, one could
imagine an obstruction such as a bridge collapse, that also brought
down the electric train staff wires.  Trains can be worked up to the
point of obstruction on each side, with pilotmen.  Goods and pass are
transhipped and the trains return to the entry stations.  On S&T, it
would be usual to work staff (no tickets allowed) on one side and
pilot on the other.  Some rules stipulated this. Things could get
complicated: some rules allowed for the unlikely (?) situation of a
train, banked in the rear (or two trains coupled!), carrying a Line
Clear report, breaking down and relief being obtainable only from the
rear.  In this case, there was no staff available (it was at the
station in advance), and pilot working only to the rear was
permissible and the staff in advance had to be locked away.

Rule 307 of the NSWGR stipulated that the Chief Traffic Manager could
suspend any form of safeworking and substitute it with anything he
liked under exceptional circumstances.

Geoff Lambert