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Re: guard/driver training (was: "Olympic Sprint Platform - Lidcombe")

C. Dewick wrote:

> You don't need new operators for this to happen. There are moves afoot to
> change our working conditions so that we work longer shifts, with higher
> mileage limits, all with the same *20* minute rostered crib break between
> the 3rd and the *6th* hour (not the 3rd and 5th as it is now).
> Can you imagine getting on a train at the start of your shift, working on
> various other runs up to the 6th hour, having a crib break, then working a
> train home? 6 hours without a rostered meal break would be an abhorant idea
> to any office worker, and so it should be to us as well.
> Our working environment requires that there be a decent break in the middle
> of each shift, otherwise many more train crewing staff will suffer health
> problems as a result. Crew fatigue has always been the scurge of train
> operations planning, and that's unlikely to change in the forseeable future.
> [..cut..]
> Regards,
> Craig.

I can never get over the breaks allowed for railway employees!
Working in retail casually, I get 15 minutes paid break for working any longer than 4 hours.
breaking the rules down simply, you can basically say you get an extra 15 minutes break
for every extra hour after that you work, with differing rules to which bit is paid and which
but eight hours work is worth an hour unpaid lunch.
I think I'd keel over having only 20 minutes for six hours worth of work without food!
