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Re: re gunzel

How dare you accuse me of plagerism(sp?).

there IS incase you didnt know a difference between...

Behold, on Sat, 10 Apr 1999 18:06:09 +1200 in
[NEWS SERVER]:<xxxxxxxxx@titan.xtra.co.nz>, Name
(xxxx@xxxx.net.nz) didst uttereth:


David Langley played poultry voodoo in <3733CCC0.9108386D@ancc.com.au>
and kindly spat out amongst the pins and chicken bones: 

So stop suggesting that i am pinching peoples other ideas and for the
most part get a bloody life!!!!!!!!! 

a very annoyed Michael.

>Michael Kurkowski wrote:
>> John Cleverdon played poultry voodoo in <37323A51.3DA3FFFC@cdi.com.au>
>> and kindly spat out amongst the pins and chicken bones:
>I'm glad that I am not the only one playing poultry voodoo and spitting
>pins and chicken bones all over poor Michael Kurkowski. This line of
>Michael's has been pinched from Patrick Dunford of NZ. Yea verily
>Michael Kurkowski didst' speak .... 
>By the way, anyone who talks buses on a train trip should be unloaded at
>the next stop and put onto one.