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Re: Lets Standardise instead!

< Tell > (telljb@ozemail.com.au) wrote:
> markbau1@aol.comQQQQyuk (MarkBau1) wrote:
> >
> ><<<<<< If you regauge the bg line, suitable
> >crossovers will allow sg passenger trains to use the existing
> >facilities.>>>>>>>>
> >
> >You make it sound so easy, just throw a few crossovers in. What theorists like
> >you do not understand is that a set of mainline points costs at least $50,000
> >if not $100,000. Who would pay this when for a fraction of the cost you could
> >throw up a platform on the S.G.?

> Why even bother with platforms.?

Mainline points don't "cost" $50-100,000, that just happens to be the
price V/Line charges for them. A contractor could probably do the same job
for about $10,000. THe biggest problem with V/Line's charges was that they
had to cover the overhead cost of running 589 Collins St. In pre-Goninan
days, Bendigo was required to cost labour at $60/hour when tendering for
outside work.
