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Re: Lets Standardise instead!

Maurie Daly (mauried@commslab.gov.au) wrote:
> Closing completely the BG track is possible , but not practical for a number 
> of reasons.
> 1/ Too many BG platforms where there arnt SG platforms.

I had some thoughts about that. Remember that you have parallel lines,
both allowing bidirectional running. If you regauge the bg line, suitable
crossovers will allow sg passenger trains to use the existing facilities.

<- Wodonga                                            Seymour ->

---------------------------------------------------------------- 1962 sg line
      \                                          /
       \              Platform                  /
        \            ############              /
---------------------------------------------------------------- regauged bg

Places such as Benalla can then lose their poorly maintained sg platforms.

> 3/ Too may stopping all stations pass trains which would have to be intermixed 
> with the SG freights , difficult to path with the existing crossing loop 
> spacing.

That's only 3 passenger trains per day, running at 115km/h. The above
arrangement solves this.
