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BLR one step closer

The Brisbane Light Rail project has moved one step closer to reality.
The Courier Mail on Saturday, February 27 carried a government
notice calling for expressions of interest from organisations
interested in developing BLR on a Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT)
basis.  Given that the $65 million of federal funding previously
allocated to BrizTram has now been given to BLR, I would say that
this project is rapidly moving from being a possibility to becoming
a sure thing.

My wife, who studies at UQ - St Lucia, tells me that that UQ Student
Union is commencing a campaign (and petition) to get BLR extended
across the river as per the original BrizTram scheme.  I urge
all UQ students reading this to throw their support behind this -
BLR SHOULD GO TO THE UNIVERISTY.  I fail to see how the residents
of West End (or anywhere else) could possibly object to a West
End to St Lucia bridge if its design restricted it to use by
trams, pedestrian and bicycles only.

Colin Weaver

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