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On Fri, 25 Jun 1999 16:14:03 +1000, "FRISCÉ Theatre Co. (Bryan
Cullis)" <rabonzo@primus.com.au> wrote, and I selectively quote:

>Sunshine (Bayside Trains, Melb.)   <- in Melbourne?  highly unlikely!


>I live on the Belgrave line in Melbourne. 


>I am an actor, and currently performing 

Well over here on in the western suburbs, including Sunshine, it's
been beautifully sunny for the last few days.  In fact, Sunshine and
much of the west is in a rain shadow.  The weather report just now
said fine and sunny till next Tuesday at least

While I know it's hard with your thespian lifestyle, you really should
try to get outside during the day - you might be surprised at what's
up in the sky <g,d,r,vvf!> 

Break a leg (that's the correct terminology for good luck in your
profession, isn't it?)


Yuri J Sos
Melbourne VIC AUS
All locations mentioned are in Victoria, Australia 
unless otherwise noted

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