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Crack Victim for Hire (Was: Web Designer For Hire)

<apologies for the crosspost>

The voices in my head told me something that [Said luser] said, therefore i 

>Want a Web Page? Don't know the complicated language of HTML? Then go to 
>  for a great deal! Hire an experianced
>person to make your Web Page for a small price!!

Without a FQDN, and with a subdirectory called "crackvictim". Wouldnt that 
just attract everyone? :-) Do you even bother to use a spellchecker? Oh I 
guess not. And finally on the root directory of that website, we see a 
webcam of Riker which doesn't work. Imagine that, what does this Riker do 
when the webcam *is* working? I don't think I want to imagine...

I am not even a web designer and I know that your site sucks.
