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Re: Unfamiliar FreightRail engine sighting.

>>>>> "John" == John Cleverdon <johnc@cdi.com.au> writes:

John> I *assume* that it was actually "PL2"

You are correct.  That will teach me not to write down the number!

John> a modified 48-class loco (formerley 4871) used on Portlink trains in the
John> Sydney area.

I thought that it looked like a modified 48, but wasn't sure.  A workmate
informs me that it can be operated remotely from the engine at the other end
of the train.  Is that correct?  What other modifications were done to it? 

Malcolm Purvis (malcolmp@trd.abc.net.au) - ABC Technology Research and Development

"I don't want it to be practical, I want it to be *expensive*."
	-- my wife.