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Re: C Class Rumours

In article <7muduf$c8930@atbhp.corpmel.bhp.com.au> "Chris Stratton" <stratton.chris.cp@nospam.bhp.com.au> writes:
>From: "Chris Stratton" <stratton.chris.cp@nospam.bhp.com.au>
>Subject: Re: C Class Rumours
>Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 15:44:14 +1000

>Maurie Daly <mauried@commslab.gov.au> wrote in message
>> DC motors when run backwards have a spinning armature upon which brushes
>> MD
>I assume by backwards you mean the wheels turning the traction motors rather
>than the direction the motor is turning. Traction motors work in both
>directions so there is no backwards as such.
>Chris Stratton
>Wollongong, NSW, Australia
>Remove NOSPAM if replying.

Yes , sorry I meant backwards in functionality , ie a DC motor becomes a DC 
generator when it is spun by external force .
Residual magnetism in the field coils makes it a poor generator.