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Re: C Class Rumours

Mr Knowitall wrote in message <378fc1e8@news.alphalink.com.au>...
If its true that Cs really do weigh 145 tonnes and not 132 as published,

The Actual weight is 156.6 tonnes

OK I give in ! where did that weight come from?
Nobody I know will say what the real weight is, and I know V/Line never
weighed them, in fact I lost several hours setting back, when I was stopped
at the last minute departing over the Dynon weigh Bridge  with C502,  two
days after she arrived on the 'gauge' .I doubt if Rolling Stock would have
wanted Ways and Works knowing their true weight, as they would have been
immediately banned from all tracks in Victoria!  How would ANR and Freight
Rail have felt about 26 tonne axle weights in NSW and SA?