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Re: The authoritarianism of SRA staff

mstrutt@newsmail.tafensw.edu.au wrote:

>         Makes me wonder what that reason was?

New years cattle doing usual stupid things like trying to trash cars.

>         Given that I'm currently averaging about one instance
>         a fortnight of being stuck in sealed carriages with
>         malfunctioning aircon,

If we didn't run arround replacing windows and doing emergancy patchups because of  your fellow
passengers we could spend more time mantaining the fleet including air con.
As I have said before, "The cattle waggons they sent my Grand Mother to Belsen are to good for
the scum we carry."

> added to the overcrowded
>         'weekend peak' services now operating at rush hour
>         I'd jump at the chance to travel in a carriage with
>         a smashed window

So you can have something else to complain about?

> for the same reason that I always
>         try to get unsealed no aircon carriages when I get
>         the chance.

Enjoy it while you can, I have lean't today that SRA are going to Air con the whole fleet.


>                                                       - michael
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Michael Strutt                          Title: Analyst/Programmer
> Applications                            Phone: 9950-1844
> Information Technology Bureau             Fax:
> TAFE NSW, Australia                  Internet: MICHAEL.STRUTT@tafensw.edu.au