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Re: Ticket Machines in Melbourne - Again

jdennis@acslink.net.au wrote:

> [snip]
> It was an interesting experience.  I first drove to my local station
> at
> Mitcham, where the ATM there won't sell me zone-1 tickets of course.
> Why
> these machines won't sell what people want I don't know!

Why create an opportunity for fare cheating, so some customers can
purchase Zone 1 only tickets from TVMs at Zone 2 or 3 locations?  I have
come across quite a few customers who are going to City and tried to
purchase Zone 1 tickets at Ringwood!  Boy, what a saving for them!  The
only way to acquire such a ticket is purchase it from station staff at
premium stations (like Ringwood and Box Hill, etc.), but we always check
for their valid Zone 2/3 ticket.  Not long ago, I even have customers
trying to purchase Rail+2 tickets at Ringwood (those tickets are only
available in Zone 1), so they can go to Heathmont!!


Iming Chan                                     Station Staff, Ringwood
                                                       Hillside Trains
Email: chani@translib.com.au                      Melbourne, Australia
   ** To reply, please remove 'X' at the end of my email address **