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Re: Brisbane Light Rail

In article <Nb6A2.5710$w92.5670@newsfeeds.bigpond.com>, "Sixx"
<sixx@start.com.au> wrote:

>Quite simple...........why spend millions + millions of dollars (and I know
>how much its going to cost because an aquantince  tendered on the project,
>and its not suspended in the river but commandeering land that some of us
>paid a hell of a lot of money for!!!) on a bike path along the waterfront


[mental note, more than two consecutive exclaimation points is a red flag
for a failing rationale and impending artherosclerosis]

>that is going to be used by a MINORITY, when the MAJORITY travel in
>inadequate road systems.

They seem pretty adequate to me,  I just cruise past the gridlocked cagers
when I need to get anywhere.  What is your specific whinge?

>Just for the record do you intend to use the bike path to travel to work??
>or just on the weekends???

Well, I would be able to answer that if you tell me where the path will
be.  Otherwise you are just posting fluff.


Galen Rutledge