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Re: [VIC] Robinvale weekender.

On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 17:45:47 +1100, James Brook
<ajmbrook@ozemail.com.au> wrote:

>I noticed on the Steamrail website that the Robinvale tour had been
>moved to the cup day long weekend. This is the most stupid decision I
>think they have made for a long time. As the monday is not a public
>holiday many people won't be able to go on this tour. Also this is when
>schools and universities have their exams. 
>Only pensioners and dole bludgers will be able to book on this tour! 

Well I certainly travel on the trip, and I fit into neither category.
I think that you are forgetting that many people can take odd days
from their annual leave.  I would guess that maybe half of the people
in my office had the Monday off this year.

However, I do tend to agree with you, that it is not the best date for
the trip.


John Dennis                         jdennis@acslink.net.au
Melbourne                                  denjo02@cai.com
Australia                   Home of the Dutton Bay Tramway
DBT URL:       http://www.acslink.net.au/~jdennis/dbt.html