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Ban chewing gum on rail transport

Chewing gum sticks everywhere and is unsightly. It is stuck to the floor
of our Swimming pool complex and difficult to remove and it is stuck to
the floor of our trains and many public places.

There is new Australian technology that converts some materials used in
chewing gum and makes a foam full of air bubbles that chews like gum,
but does not stick anywhere. It can be added to gum to prevent the gum
from sticking but chewing gum manufacturers see no reason to change to
help the environment while they are making profits.

Singapore has banned chewing gum. Why not ban Chewing gum that sticks
everywhere ask all our governments to ban gums that stick everywhere and
for bubble gum which is also very sticky, add a high tariff to encourage
proper disposal or ban bubble gum also.

Most chewing gum is foreign owned and profits go overseas. This may help
local manufacturers and keep a larger slice of the $146 million industry
in Australia.

Yours Faithfully

Maurice White