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Re: Netiquette [Was: Rail Transfer Vehicle]


Shouldn't have assumed it wasnt a JPEG. Normally when ppl using mac's
post, particularly images without extentions they are in PICT format,
which is what a lot of people can't read. 

The main reason for not posting binaries to a non-binaries newsgroup is,
netiquette. There are specific newsgroups for posting binaries to,
usually with a name with .binaries on the end or .binaries. in the
middle, e.g. alt.binaries.rail 

The binaries situation doesn't help ISP's much either, as most run a news
server, and a lot have some way of at least limiting or throttling
*binaries* newsgroups. A lot of Australian ISP's pay around about 19c per
mb for data, and when newsgroups are included in this, large amounts of
money are spent keeping a feed going. In the end it will come down to
"newsgroups are costing us too much money for no return, so lets scrap
the idea of running a news server". 

There are also people who log on with STD or mobile access, suck down the
whole newsgroup for offline viewing then log back off again. Binaries
slow this down a lot, mainly due to the size. 

Anyways, hope that explanation was good enough - for more info, check out
the RFC for network news transport protocol (i.e. usenet, newsgroups), if
u want a URL drop me a line. 


Steven Hurst said in message <936522198.278169@diddley.primus.com.au>, I
therefore quote: 

>IT is a JPG image isn't it?, I can view it on my PC!
>Also, why can't he post pictures, there does not seem to be a clear
>reason for this...