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BMS Line (VIC) Website Update

Hi all,
        I have updated my Broadmeadows (BMS) Line Page (Victoria) to include
a page for each station.  Each contains a History (most of which were
supplied by Chris Gordon - thanx Chris!) and general information.  There are
currently no photos of my own, and no maps.  These will hopefully coming
online in late September/early October.  This makes it a bit hard to
understand some of the history, unless you are familiar with the line.  But
all in all, some of the history is pretty interesting.

GOTO - http://home.primus.com.au/hurste/bmsl goto the main page, then click
on the Stations page hyperlink.  You could surf directly to it, but where's
the fun in that? (plus, then you don't get counted - main reason!)


Steven Hurst
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

ICQ: 47551124   -   Yahoo Pager: hursteau