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Re: 3801 - IT'S BLACK ..... WHY????

Bob Merchant wrote:

> ...and that deep Woof, Woof, Woof as she approached and departed Sutherland
> sounded great.  The weekday workers at Loftus thought the 10:30 suburban was
> on time when they heard a train stop.  There was a rush for the door when a
> Pop on the whistle and the sound of steam was heard!  All agreed it looks
> fine, at least for a short while...  Grey would be nice for a short while
> after its next overhaul.

I'm jealous. Bring it to Brisbane, along with 3830. Then we can have a
side-by-side with our nice shiny pair of BB18 1/4's.

Does 3801 still have the downrated boiler?

> Bob Merchant

Robert Kearey           Network Services        
ITS                     University of Queensland
Sentence fragment	I don't speak for my employer