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Re: Goninan up with the Joneses :-)

Michael Kurkowski <mk@netstra.com.au> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> http://www.goninan.com.au

It's a very poor site, from the technical angle. The graphics (photos,
drawings, graphs) aren't 'click to enlarge' and the graph scales are almost
unreadable. The menus shouldn't need a submit button but should be the drag
and relase type. The drawings are unfathomably small. Some spec sheets are
almost empty. I could do better on my ear. 2/10.

The site's designers own site is not any better, (NB: I've seen only the
home page). The table column carrying the list of clients' names isn't wide
enough to display them. Goninan's name doesn't even appear in the list.
