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Re: Rail line preservation

Les Brown <pcc@ocean.com.au> wrote in message
> If the Federal (Feral?) Government can waste $20 million restoring the
> long closed Queenstown-Strahan rail line that will NEVER much of a
> tourist attraction 'cause its too far from bloody anywhere, and will
> be far too expensive to run and maintain, then even a paltry (?), by
> comparison, 2 million would put the line over the freeway on a
> concrete viaduct. Imagine what $20 million would do between Bowser and
> Beechworth. Test track for a BG tilt train?
> Something is screwed up somewhere if they can find $20 mil for a
> tourist line that basically goes from nowhere to nowhere and yet more
> worthwhile railway preservation projects like Dorrigo and Healesville
> are languishing. It's gotta be pork-barrelling of the worst order.
> Les Brown

I think the tourist potential of any project, not just railway, on the west
coast of Tasmania would be far greater than anything in the Beechworth area.
Chris Stratton
Wollongong, NSW, Australia
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