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Re: New Vicorian rail/tram projects?

>I've always thought the loop is operated back to front.
>Unless things have changed recently Flinders St. is still the most used

Probably followed very closely nowadays by Museum, from anecdotal
experience, I see around as many get off at Museum as go round the Loop to
Flinders Street (and they have no choice of direct train on the Clifton Hill
Loop any more) and I'm sure I read somewhere that Museum was border lining
overtaking Museum as the busiest Melbourne station (especially with the uni
students and the like - Flinders Streets only saving grace in some respects
is St Kilda Road workers)

>of all. So, in the a.m peak we go to the lesser used stations first and
then we
>go to Flinders St. It seems to me the idea should be to make the journey

The problem with going the other way is that for the sake of Flinders Street
passengers, everyone else is made to wait extra time as trains must wait at
least a few minutes before departing there as a down train going via the
Loop. Trains can wait at Flinders Street before departing on their next down
journey, there is nowhere at Parliament for them to wait the time between
changing from an up to a down train. The argument here would be do more
people get off at Parliament through Spencer Street or do more get off at
Flinders Street.

>as short as possible for as many people as possible, this could only be
>acheived by am's going to Flinders St. first. The reverse also applies to
>pm peak.
>When I weas driving sparks I can well remember the hordes of people that
>invade a direct train at North Melb. and Richmond. Tons of people would
>wait on a platform and go direct  than the extra time it takes to go
>the loop if they wanted to get to Flinders St.

I know but is the number who change more than the number who stay on? I
remember when I used to go to Swinburne and many would get off a direct
train to go round the Loop as stopping trains run direct and expresses are
Loop trains, hence if you got on at a stopping train only station, you
needed to change. I also remember that direct trains were rarely packed
except maybe between 8.30 and 9.00 whereas Loop trains from Richmond were
usually packed anytime during the peak.

Having said all that, I personally would benefit far more from your
arrangement and with the temporary timetable, Clifton Hill Loop trains run
direct then the Loop in the am and the reverse in PM (ie your way) and it
has been a big timesaver for me. My point is, I'm not sure it would benefit
the majority any more.