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Re: Refurbished Overland Stock

Pity that - the original Overland livery with its Art-Deco overtones 
and 1940's feel was one of the last reminders of classic "Webb era" SAR.

The new look sounds to be rather bland in comparison, but I shall wait to 
see it and then pass judgement. At least there's no orange & black 
stripes involved!!

Remember that old saying - get your photos now (glad I got mine)!!!!

Roy H

"Lachlan Smith" <lsmith@senet.com.au> wrote:
>Passing through Keswick this morning, I saw what must be one of the first
>Overland carriages whose refurbishment has been completed. The entire
>outside has been painted silver (the red window band and black roof have
>gone), and it has a new name-plate, similar to those on IP and Ghan
>carriages, feature a new blue and green kookaburra Overland emblem. (The
>Overland itself was a pitiful 5 cars this morning!).