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Re: new CityRail web page

In article <3650DE5B.F67B1618@fastlink.com.au>,
  Robert Harris <bob@fastlink.com.au> wrote:

> Its a shame they can't lable their rollingstock correctly. They have a chopper
> trailer car listed as a motor car and vice versa.

You're right - on further examination it isn't as good as I first though but
is a fair attempt (that should be CityRail's new slogan).  The T sets are
shown with a yellow front (there are no plans for this, are there anyone?)
and most seating layouts are wrong, with each side of the carriage having
half 3-seaters and half 2-seaters.  Take a look and you'll know what I mean.

Nevertheless, the graphics are pertty damn good.

Also, with the station facilities, a lot of stations either miss out on
showing facilities actually installed there, or have facilities listed that
aren't there.

Paul McCabe

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