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Re: Lateline Article on hi speed trains

mauried@commslab.gov.au (Maurie Daly) wrote:
>Did many people see the lateline program on Thursday 28/5/98 on hi speed 
>I was very unimpressed in the ABC presenter who clearly knew almost nothing 
>about hi speed trains , and kept calling the TGV the XGV or similar.
>What was interesting was that one of the speakers was introduced as the 
>chairman of the Australian National Railways Commission.
>Is their still such a thing, ie does AN still exist , and if so what does it 

No surprise really.  
Is it any wonder that rail is a non issue with the
If the ABC and others pursued railways like they do
with minority issues such as "sorry days", greens and
the environment, females, indigenous "issues", gays,
and dare I say Pauline Hanson, maybe just maybe the
importance of a unified national rail network for the
future might make an impact on the voters.

But as you have said in the past Maurie  "Do not hold
your breath".
