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Re: Arcadia Mine

David DONALD <dsjmd@bigpond.com> wrote in article
> Does anyone know anything about the likely rail transportation of the
> products from the new Arcadia Mine, to the south of Orange.  My
> understanding is that it will be railed from Blayney.
> Any information, please.
> Regards
> David
It isn't Arcadia, but the Cadia mine.  I visited the area last week, and
the security officer there told me that a processing plant had been built
on site.  As this is a gold mine, and apparently the ore is to be processed
on the premises, I doubt whether the   final product, as valuable and
compact as it is, would be suitable for bulk transport by rail.

The mine formerly produced copper, and the remains of a Cornish engine
house and boiler are adjacent to the mine site. This is the only one of its
type in NSW, although another exists in Victoria, and a few are in South
Australia.  Access is not now readily available, but I understand from the
security officer that bus tours will be offered on occasion through the
Orange Tourist Information Centre.  If you want any further information
about this, please e-mail me for further details.

Of course if the new mine produces copper as well as gold, maybe rail
transport would be an option for the copper ore.


David Bennetts