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Re: Anyone experience in designing cellular coverage in rail concourse?

Matthew Geier wrote:

>  It is not just the concourse they are covering either, they are pointing
> directional antenna down the [Sydney] tunnels as well. Dunno how far the signal
> would get length ways through a train.

I nearly replied to the original poster in this thread, suggesting he 
contact the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Co Ltd to ask how they make 
cellphones work in all their (deep underground) stations, tunnels and 

Then I saw he was posting from Hong Kong!!!!!

Riding in one of Hong Kong's MTR trains is to ride in a cacophony of 
ringing cellphones and hundreds of people talking into them. I have never 
seen so many cellphones in use as in Hong Kong, and their prevalence in 
the MTR made me wonder many times how much wattage was being pumped 
through the trains (and me!) to make cellphones work so far down in 
basalt (three rides down the escalator at some stations like Causeway 
Bay) and deep under the harbour.

Dave McLoughlin
Auckland New Zealand

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