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Re: CityRail 'K' set carriages

In the message about  CityRail 'K' set car*****, from MATTHEW@LAW.USYD.EDU.AU to ALL!, MATTHEW@LAW.USYD.EDU.AU said:"

MM>  Actually, if Cityrail fixed the 'passenger operated' doors on the
MM> Tangara fleet, during summer, they could probably save enough
MM> electricity to buy special AC units for the 2nd series Ks. The number of
MM> times i've seen Tangara trains sitting on platforms, blasting cold air
MM> out their open doors into 30 degree days is quite amazing. If the doors
MM> could close on a timer and open again when the passenger pushed a
MM> button, the energy savings over an average summer would be considerable.

They tried that... only problem is that passengers don't have the capacity
to learn how to push a button to open a door.



 * RM 1.31  * Albert! alberta@zip.com.au http://www.zip.com.au/~alberta/