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Re: Tangaras in Melbourne

David Penna <djpenna@one.net.au> writes:

>Sorry if you've been over this before, but I'm just curious as to 
>whatever happened with the Tangara trains they were trialling in 
>Melbourne.  I notice there's still a couple hanging around, but were they 
>a dismal failure or is there no $$$$$$$?

 It is NOT a Tangara. It was specially built for the PTC with Federal
money with Tangara parts and body jig.
 It is narrower, lower and shorter (I think) than a Tangara. The PTC
didnt pay for it, doesnt want to raise all its overhead to clear it
for all lines, and certainly doesnt want any more.
 Rumours keep poping up that the PTC will give it to CityRail, but the
last thing Sydney needs is another one off. People would probably keep 
falling down the platform gap :-).
 (Your average Sydney commuter seems to switch their brains off the
moment they hit 'Rail Access' property :-)

Matthew Geier,                 | Australian Public Access Network Association
matthew@sleeper.apana.org.au   | +61 2 9587 9773  
matthew@law.usyd.edu.au        |   018 977 356