Re: Ticket Machines on Melbourne Trams

David Proctor (
3 Feb 1998 15:04:40 GMT

Albert Alcoceba <> wrote in article
> I can't help observing that Melbourne seems to have the most complex to
> ticketing system in Australia and probably the world. Their Zone based
> system was simple and great... but now it is so complicated where you
> validate and don't validate tickets... how is a new comer to Melbourne
> supposed to work it all out and stay clear of the MET Gestapo?

They are not that bad - I was stopped by them for having an unvalidated
ticket, and he took out his infringement book, looked at my Drivers
Licence, saw I was from NSW, then proceeded to give me a very friendly
5-min lesson on the new system. He said that they have instructions not to
book visitors, as the system is hard enough to understand for locals, let
alone visitors.

> It's got to the point where I'd be afraid to use Public Transport in
> Melbourne for fear of stuffing something up!


David Proctor