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Re: XPT Whinge,(cont)

Jack wrote in message <74tarm$phr$1@reader1.reader.news.ozemail.net>...
>Just as an example of high utilisation.....  the original 15 units have all
>done over 5million kilometres..... and the last four   2015-2018  have all
>done over 2 million...  the last 4 are all onto their 3rd engines....
>think for a minute... in the 40 odd years 44classes were in service it is
>doubtful any of them reached these high kilometrages...

As another example of their extremely high utilisation rates, each seven-car
set runs over 9000 revenue kilometres per week - two round trips to
Melbourne, and one each to Brisbane, Murwillumbah and Grafton.

What is not being addressed here is the suitability of the trains for their
current use - I believe they were simpy not designed for the continuous
running that they are being subjected to (29 hours from when NT1 leaves
Sydney until NT2 gets back in).

Maybe Countrylink should just bight the bullet and say "We cannot do this -
give us more rolling stock or we start withdrawing services."

David Proctor