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Re: Metcard - new message on tickets

Iming Chan wrote in message <3672FD9D.1CB40DC9@translib.com.au>...
>Cosmo wrote:
>> [snip]
>> I've been catching the train from Holmesglen for the past three weeks,
>> and
>> for the whole time neither of the machines (1 "big", 1 "little") have
>> been
>> working. Also, the EFTPOS facility on the "big" has been removed and
>> the gap
>> covered up with a metal plate, and the dot-matrix displays on both
>> machines
>> are non-existent, instead replaced with a small clear perspex section
>> that
>> enables you to see inside the machines. And despite signs warning
>> "machines
>> out of order", every morning I see al least 3 different people trying
>> to
>> feed coins into the machines. If the MET (or whatever the f*ck they
>> are
>> called now) want to improve the ticketing debacle, they should take
>> notice
>> of the newspaper guy who is there... he sells tickets, like the
>> machines but
>> is also able to help the elderly, give directions etc, and also
>> doesn't eat
>> your 10-buck note without spitting out a ticket.....
>Sounds like the machines at Holmesglen is also damaged by the recent
>"acid" attack!!  The company who supplied the automated ticketing
>equipments is solely responsibile for the working of those machines.
>Before having a station manned, you need a Booking Office Machine (BOM)
>there (as not all stations have such facility).  Otherwise, it is
>pointless to have a staff member there who could not sell tickets.
Yes, Holmesglen is one of the stations acid attacked... There used to be a
large bit of paper stuck across the machines telling people that the
machines aren't working (about 3 weeks ago) but obviously someone has taken
that out too...

I remember when the non-premium stations were still manned in the mornings
along the Glen Wav. line during the beta-test of Metcard... the station
staff had the rolls of tickets to sell (same as the ones newsagents sell)
but they only had a *very* limited range (ie. Daily 1+2, 2hr 1+2)