Re: Responses to Postings
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 07:43:36 GMT

In our last episode <> on Mon, 20 Apr 1998
20:06:50 +1000, Eben Levy told aus.rail:

>tezza wrote:


>> What a wanker.
>Why is it, that you have to alsways insult people? there is no need for it. I am
>not just having a go at you tezza, I am agains't this kind of abuse in this

Exactly, me too. It gets extremely tiresome when all you get back is a
childish one-line comment like "What a wanker" or "You're an idiot". What
is the average age of people in the group? 4? I thought the Australian
rail industry was a professional and competitive industry fighting
increasing competition.

The whole point of this newsgroup is to be constructive and to discuss RAIL
topics for the benefit of everyone. A number of people have said that they
wont be returning to this group because of the infantile actions of some.
I'm not going to respond to any more posts in this thread or similar ones.
It isn't worth the energy to.

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998 17:53:06 +1000, tezza told aus.rail:

<re: costs of downloading data and being charged to>

> They should change ISP. I can't believe anyone's still silly enough to pay
> those ripoff merchants

Everyone pays, Internet access is never free. Internet traffic costs. If
you aren't 'restricted' by the amount you can download or charged
specifically for it, you are covered by a blanket charge to all users,
commonly known as a "monthly fee". If the ISP is downloading more data
from their provider, they will be charged more, and hence will increase the
"monthly fee" charged to their customers, or find another way of cutting