Re: Toolamba Line and Nyora Line

David Bromage (
18 Apr 1998 04:04:01 GMT

Yuri J Sos/Melbourne AUS ( wrote:
>On a parallel topic, I understand SGR have received a letter from
>VicTrack outlining their intention to close the line between
>Cranbourne and Nyora, and that retrieval of K19 and cars can only be
>done as an "empty cars" movement.
>The last SGR newsletter stated that they had received assurances from
>VicTrack that the line would remain open.
>Any one know the truth? David? with your connections to SGR?

What you said is pretty much the truth. The line speed from Cranbourne
Block Point to Nyora Catch Points is down to 15km/h. However the actual
track isn't as bad as that might sound. All it needs is a little ballast
and a good tamping.

Apart from that, I can't say any more. I can say that the original lease
of Nyora to Leongatha allowed for the lease to be extended in the future.
