Re: Overland Facilities

David Proctor (
Thu, 9 Apr 1998 12:08:51 +1000

John Dennis wrote in message <>...
>The Melbourne Age last weekend had an article describing a trip on the
>Overland from Melbourne to Adelaide. The tone of the article was very
>derogatory, not unexpected at all considering recent changes and
>adverse publicity. However, one comment in particular seemed to me to
>be quite unbelievable.
>The writer described how on a normal long train journey one can spend
>time in a lounge car, but that of course is not possible on the
>Overland as there is only a takeaway buffet. He then went on to write
>about trying to balance a meal and a bottle of wine on his knees in
>the roomette, because there is no table. Is this true, or did he
>either travel in a faulty compartment or miss something?

This again raises the issue of why GSR removed the Club Car. It certainly
was inefficienthaving both the Club Car and the RBJ on the same train with
the loadings on offer - but why reduce the quality of the service - they
should have replaced the RBJ with a BJ, thereby increasing economy capacity
by about 20, i think, and kept the Club Car - economy passengers could
purchase refreshments from it and return to their seats, whilst first class
and sleeper passengers would have been able to utilise the lounge


David "The Doctor" Proctor