Re: NR52 - different colours?

Terry Burton (
Mon, 20 Oct 1997 14:42:27 GMT

"Krel" <> wrote:
>Whats the problem with that ?
>Most publicly owned rail systems spend "taxpayers money" on advertising. It
>would appear that NRC is spending it on Billboards that move.

Yes, but they usually earn revenue from it, this appears to
be the other way around to me. Why not use head and side
boards if they feel that keen about their customers, at
least they are easily swapped or removed.

>Besides which, think about the possibilities for paint jobs - an NR in
>Maroon and Silver - I'd like to see that ;-).
>Cheers Krel

NRC were operating for a long time with an identity crisis
due to the number of green & yellow locos amongst others
that were hauling their trains. They finally have 120 new
units, and they start sloshing the paint around.

Alice Springs NT