Re: The PTC's own Gestapo

Paul Dwerryhouse (
7 Oct 1997 11:30:35 GMT (MarBau) writes:

>It is important to remember that many of these turds are policeman wanna be's,
> that is they applied to become policeman and were rejected.

I have often wondered --

What powers *do* they actually have?

For example, if they aren't in fact police, then I would imagine that your
average law-abiding citizen is under no obligation whatsoever to give their
name, address or to even hand over their ticket. Certainly being manhandled
by one of them would be pretty good grounds for laying assault charges...

My suggestion to the original poster is also to take the story to the media
-- stick to the fair ones, however. Certain commercial talkback radio stations
or tabloid newspapers are likely to unfairly portray you in the wrong light.
Go with the ABC and "The Age"...


Paul Dwerryhouse                              
"The growing use of e-mail, not to mention Web-page publishing, threatens to 
reverse the trend towards illiteracy among the supposedly educated without at 
the same time improving their spelling". -- Michael Swaine, Dr. Dobb's Journal