Re: The PTC's own Gestapo

Daniel Bowen (
Tue, 07 Oct 1997 20:00:37 GMT

My comments...

- Tell your story as many people as will listen

- Demand your apology

- Next time wear a tie :) No, seriously, it's amazing
how polite and even lenient they are to neatly dressed people.
I have never had any trouble wearing my office clothes, and
I keep my Monthly behind the plastic cover in my wallet.
And I've seen them forgive neatly dressed people on trains
who hadn't filled in scratch tickets.

- If confronted with two deranged PTC Gestapo, given that
it wasn't Sunday or at night or anything and you didn't have
another 30 mins to wait until the next train, I wouldn't
have worried about getting on the arriving train.

- If you're really paranoid, buy your monthy ticket with a
credit card so you have a receipt.

- This is far from the first incident I've heard of where
these guys have acted like complete idiots. Hopefully they'll
get replaced with more sensible CSOs who are ex-tram conductors.

Hope this doesn't mean we'll all end up on Vic Police files! :)


Daniel Bowen, Melbourne Australia.
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