Re: Olympic Park Loop

tezza (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 01:03:06 +1100

Bob wrote in message <>...
>David Johnson wrote:
>> Trains will start using the Olympic Loop as of next week for crew
>> training purposes.
>> --
>> David Johnson
>> CityRail Guard
> Set G31 went in today as the first official train,or at last so the
>media were shown

As usual FreightCorp were there first [on both lines]. I understand I have
the dubious credit of having the first derailment on the Olympic Loop -
there was nowhere to run around when they were building it so ballast trains
had to unload backwards on a very steep uphill. The result of this of course
was too much power against the plough van from the 81 opposed to all the
weight from the ballast trucks, resulting in lifting the ploughvan off the
rails and putting it in the dirt. Luckily[?] it was where the street
overhead had been opened up which allowed the thunderbirds reasonably easy
access. All this was some months ago.