Re: Steamrail tour to Moulamein

Krel (
7 Jun 97 05:55:09 GMT

Yuri J Sos <> wrote in article
> Y112 was *not* on the train out of Melbourne last night, apparently
> "trapped" inside Newport after rails spread, according to Gary
> Macdonald.
> The train itself left about 25 minutes late with D3 658 performing the
> honours solo.
> Yuri
According to the chatter on the PTC Radio this morning (0200) the D3
stalled on Ingliston Bank with 5 cars and had to be pushed into Bank Box by
a relief loco (P class I think). The Diesel was then run around to the head
of the train and both locos worked forward ex BB.

Sounds like an interesting start to the weekend!!!!

Cheers Krel

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